Mon 27 Jan
Let me freak you how you should be freacked I love couples - 19
(McFarland skyland northport 69, Tuscaloosa)
💕👀 THiCk BeAuTy BoMb💣 ExPLoSiVe 💥MoUtHwAtEriNg 👅👌SkiLLs... $60 Awesome By NaTuRe🍎 - - 20
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
Lexi Has Arrived 2 Bring Joy & Happiness 2 U! In Only! Hot & Spicey Dominican! Come Play W Me Now! - 24
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa AL)
$50$ Specials! CaLL NoW !LimitEd TiMe OnLy !CaLL NoW! CoMe GeT a A Taste of The Best!♛♛ Ms.ThaTruth. - 27
A FrEaKy CuTiE W/a BoOtY ¤~¤ BuBbLeZ ¤~¤ 2 Make Freaky Fantasies Come True!!! - 26
(Tuscaloosa, *°•*☆*•°*☆TUSCALOOSA AL INCALLS*°•*☆*•°*)
Craigslist Adult Services closed Permanantly. Post your ads on
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
▀▀▀▀ ❤ Don't Go❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤FOR Fakes❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ 1000% ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ REAL!!❤ ❤ ▀▀▀ - - 22
(Tuscaloosa, mcfarland blvd)
°•£•° 1000% Real All Natural InDian Mixed Beauty*°•°•° Slim Goodie Delight°•°•° Oh so Kinky Freaky - 25
....Oh So Satisfying ( A Colombian Princess ) OutCalls & Upscale INcaLL - 24
(Tuscaloosa, Upscale/IN&OUT;)
Gone 40*50*100 CamelToe😍Chocolate FantasyWatch Me Make It Disappear😳Best Experience You Ever Had - 21
(Tuscaloosa, 40qv 50Hh 100h Incall Only Tuscaloosa)
Sun 12 Jan
Let Me Take You Somewhere You've Never Been Before
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
Busty Beauty to Rock Your World!! - 19
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, In the city)
Sat 11 Jan
Pretty, Sexy, Everything You Want.. Real Beauty!
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
!!!60$ in-call sp. Come see wat you've been missing!!! super freak ask about 2 girl sp. - 29
(Tuscaloosa, Mcfarland)
put your eyes on the most beautful sexie transsexual in tuscaloosa al - 28
Sweetheart with an Edge that is Sexy and Delightfully Uninhibited!
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
💋💄yOur pErfeCt cHoiCe😍💍 GuAranTee SAtIsfActiOn🤤💦 ,, PEtiTe ADdiCtion🔥AvAiliBlE nOw🌹 - 23
💦🎀•THE 💋PERFECT 💋TREAT💋█ ★55 mAke yoUr n@xt moV3 yoUr b3st Mov3•°$$ - 19
(Montgomery, MONTGOMERY east blvd area)
*stunning *beautiful * so sexy check me out * no disappointments
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, hotel room)
💟💙💚 Hey guys 💙💟💝 Ms. Special is back 💙💟💗 don't miss out 💙💜 don't hesitate to call 💙💚💟 - 29
(McFarland Boulevard, Tuscaloosa)
Fri 10 Jan
Upscale RedHead! IN & OUTCALLS!- WoW # ❶ AmaZinG Phat Az*Z ☆° - 24
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa/Upscale location)
Having Problems With Your Ad Disappearing or Paying For Up Grades READ THIS - 21
(Escorts Read This, Gadsden, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
Trucker friendly leaving soon call now💋💋Classy but Nasty😇💦Curvy BBW Gorgeous Fac - 24
(exit 76 Cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ❤ °° ExOtiC BOMbShELL°° ❤ *K i L L e R* CURVES! ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ 1 Of A KiND eXperience ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ - 25
§€xy FreaK €§CÅP€ ☆ ◢♂◣Ebony FEVER◥♀◤ G✪RG€✪U§ A§§ 6♂◣◥♀◤ FREAKY♀◤ Bad GIRL ◢♂50specials - 22
(Tuscaloosa, cottondale)
I have a thing for guys in dark dress socks
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, everywhere)
NORTHern Exposure ***** REVIEWed as ONE of the best **** Limited time in town!!! SPECIALS - 28
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ WHAT HAPPENS When You SQUEEZE on a GUSHER? ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ JUICE Comes OUT ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 30
(Tuscaloosa, Visiting The Area)
(* AmaZing BlonDe BomBsheLl *) Leaving Soon !! [[ So Hot & Sweet ]] 100% Real !! Don't Miss This ! - 23
Thu 09 Jan
Gone Will Return💖Chocolate Fantasy💖Thick Ebony Incredibly Long👅 With Skills💖Best In This City - 21
(Tuscaloosa, 40qv 50Hh 100h)
NEW PICTURES__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ big booty white girl ( 678) 702 -9316 - 25
(Tuscaloosa, 678-702-9316)
NeW! :::::::: Super Yummy Blonde Experience :::::::: call CHERRY! - 23
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa INCALL Only)
***The Best Damn Thing You've Ever Had*** 100% Real Pics--Sexy -Sultry && All Yours - 24
UpsCalee InCalls 24/7 😍😍 Sweet ThiCk Ebonyy Goddess 😁😁 MAkee It Nastyy 😘😘 - - 19
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT:*:No DiSaPPOinTmENtS SpEcIaLs - 18
Wed 08 Jan
Hot and ready to play, Let me rock your world!
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, hotel room)
Lady K Last Week Here!!!..Leavin town .....100% real women....INCALL ONLY!!! - 24
(by the mall incll only/15th st., Tuscaloosa)